Difference between Delete and Truncate in oracle sql plsql interview question and answer for fresher,intermediate and experienced.
" Most important question asked in oracle sql plsql interview" Introduction: Delete and Truncate is used to remove the data from the relational table. SQL developer have to decide where to use these both concepts. By understanding the concept, it is useful for handling the data. Well analysis of all the rows to be deleted before using truncate command. Difference: Delete Truncate It is a Data Manipulation Language command. It is a Data Definition Language command. Syntax: Delete from tablename where condition; Delete from tablename; Syntax: Truncate table tablename; Delete command is slower than truncate. Truncate command is faster. Delete contain the where clause. Truncate don’t contain the where clause. It is used to remove or delete the specified row or tuple from the table using where clause. In absence of where clause, it i