Difference between procedure and function in oracle sql plsql interview question and answers for experienced and fresher
"It is the most accepted and guaranteed question asked in plsql interview for fresher and experienced candidates." INTRODUCTION: Function is calculating the program result on the basis of the given input. It will be returning value or control to the code or calling program. Procedures are calculating or performing the tasks in particular way on the basis of the given inputs. It will be returning the control to the calling function or code, but it will not return any value. In SQL server and DBMS, procedure is termed as stored procedure. It saves their time in terms of reusability and maintainablity.Oracle procedure and function are called as subprograms which are stored in the database as database objects. FUNCTION: It can be defined as the set of various instructions received as input from the users for performing the certain tasks.It will return the value. It is used in calculation of the inputs and will provide outputs on the basis of given inputs. It can be pre-defined a