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Question 1: How can you remove the directory in Unix?
Ans The directory can be removed by using rmdir command. Below syntax is provided for your
Reference: $ rmdir filename

Question 2: How can you make the directory in UNIX?
Ans The directory can be maked by using mkdir command. Below syntax is provided for your
Reference: $ mkdir filename

Question 3: How to remove the files in UNIX?
Ans We can remove the filename by using the below command.
$ rm <filename>
One can use –r with rm command to delete all the sub-directories recursively.
$ rm –r Rahul1.txt

Question 4: How can you copy files from one directory to another in UNIX?
Ans cp command is used to copy file from one directory to another directory.
Syntax for the below command:
Cp –r source filename destination filename
Here, -r is used to copy all the content of directory including the subdirectories recursively.

Question 5:
How can you move files from one directory to another in UNIX?
Ans mv command is used to move the file from one directory to another directory.
Syntax for the below command:
mv <filename> <destination_path>

Question 6:
How can you change the directory of directory in UNIX?
Ans We can change the directory using the cd command.
$ cd directory_name

Question 7:
How can you know the information of the file?
Ans To know the information of the file, we use the below command.
$ file filename

Question 8:
How one can know the present working directory in unix?
Ans We can know the present working directory in unix by using command pwd

Question 9:
How one can create the blank file in unix?
Ans You can create the blank file in unix by using touch command.
$touch filename

Question 10:
How can you calculate the number of words in a file?
Ans: We can calculate the number of words in a file by using wc command. Syntax for the command is:
$wc filename

Question 11:
How can you display the contents of a file?
Ans By using the cat command, one can display the contents of a file. Syntax for cat command is:
$cat filename

Question12: How one can create the files in UNIX?
Ans We can create the files in UNIX by using vi editor and touch command to create the zero byte file.
$ vi filename
$ touch filename

Question13: How you can logout from unix?
Ans We can logout from unix by logout command. It's syntax is below provided:
$ logout


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